Zoo Crew Apprentice Program
Pine Grove Zoo is excited to present our “Zoo Crew” Program. Has your child has ever wondered what it’s like to work at a Zoo? Do they have an interest in animal science, biology, or education? Do they want to spend time this year hanging out at Pine Grove Zoo? Then Zoo Crew is for them! Students entering 8th grade through 12th grade will gain important life and job skills through one of Pine Grove Zoo’s most unique programs.
Participants in our “Zoo Crew” Program will be assisting with animal care, husbandry, and feeding. They will learn a vast array of zoo keeping skills while they assist the keepers in daily tasks, including but not limited to: caring for our stable animals, outreach ambassadors, food prep, cleaning and preparing outdoor exhibits for Primates, Otters, Bears, Fox, and Hoofed animals under the direct supervision of the Sr. Keeper or Education Coordinator.
“Zoo Crew” applicants need to be a minimum of 13 years old and in the 8th grade. They should be highly motivated, reliable, show exceptional academic performance (i.e., 2.5 GPA, volunteer in the school or community, part of NHS (National Honor Society), and/or Student Council), have an interest in pursuing the zoology field, and have completed a pre-participation training conducted by Pine Grove Zoo.
Interested parties will need to complete an application and submit a letter of reference from a teacher or other educator. Qualified applicants will then go through the standard interview process.
If you are interested in obtaining more information about this program or would like to sign up for the training, please contact our Education Coordinator, Marja Krueger, at education@pinegrovezoo.com or call (320) 616-5595.